Arriba Huntsville

Arriba Huntsville is a faith-driven community development corporation in Huntsville, Alabama, dedicated to incubating new organizations and initiatives and to supporting existing local ministries and organizations that serve the Latino immigrant community. 

Ministerio Movilizador Misionero

MIMOMI (Ministerio Movilizador Misionero) is committed to expanding God’s Kingdom on Earth, with a special focus on urban centers, guided by the theology and practice of Missio Dei.

Seminario Bautista de México

Since its founding in 1946, the Seminario Bautista de México (SBM) has pursued a vision of theological education that directly engages with and addresses human suffering. Committed to developing disciples, leaders, and churches, SBM has focused for decades on forming ethical and effective change agents equipped to impact their communities with a strong commitment to justice, equity, and inclusion.

Iglesia Misionera Eben Ezer

For many years Iglesia Misionera Bautista Eben-Ezer in San Salvador has been a pillar of support in one of San Salvador’s most violent communities.

Semillas de una Nueva Creación

Casa Semilla’s mission is to strengthen the Christian Church in El Salvador by promoting a holistic approach to mission that encompasses both spiritual and practical aspects of life.

Mosaico Urbano MX

Mosaico Urbano Mexico, originally founded in 2006 under another name, operates on the eastern side of Mexico City, particularly in the Chimalhuacan and Los Reyes La Paz municipalities. The organization’s mission is to transform fragile urban areas into SHALOM cities by developing leaders and social structures that create lasting, multifaceted change.