Ministerio Movilizador Misionero (MIMOMI)
- Mexico City, Mexico

Organizational Overview
MIMOMI (Ministerio Movilizador Misionero) is committed to expanding God's Kingdom on Earth, with a special focus on urban centers, guided by the theology and practice of Missio Dei. Its mission is to mobilize churches and form disciples who, in turn, disciple others, creating a ripple effect of transformative change in their communities. MIMOMI is committed to planting sustainable, missional churches, training leaders who are healthy and spiritually mature, and fostering holistic community change. With a foundation in practical, reproducible discipleship, MIMOMI equips both pastors and laypeople to plant churches that become agents of change in their surroundings. The ultimate goal is to see a massive multiplication of churches across cities, contributing to the transformation of fragile communities into Shalom Cities. MIMOMI’s strategy involves identifying, equipping, and mentoring leaders while fostering integrity, humility, and innovation in pastoral leadership, ensuring that each church becomes a seedbed for discipleship across generations. In doing so, MIMOMI seeks to see the gospel of the Kingdom of God both proclaimed and lived out in urban areas.
Beneficiary Population
- Urban Poor
- Families
- Leaders
Focus Areas
- Spiritual Transformation & Faith Communities
- Leadership Development & Training
- Community Development
- People & Family-Centered Development
Organizational Track Record
MIMOMI (Ministerio Movilizador Misionero) was launched in 2020 by Pastor Sergio Vargas, building on his earlier experience of church planting through the Dunamis Church Network, which he founded in 2001 and officially registered as a Religious Association in 2019. Focused on inspiring both laypeople and pastors to plant missional and reproducible house churches, MIMOMI has trained over 180 participants through its six-month church planting school. Nearly 70 of these graduates have successfully established 35 active house churches, each with an average of 10 members. In 2022, MIMOMI began integrating Missio Dei theology and practice into its church-planting efforts, aiming to establish churches that move beyond liturgy and spiritual growth to engage in missions and holistic community transformation, creating a lasting impact in Mexico. MIMOMI is currently developing its 2.0 version to further deepen its mission of making disciples who multiply and addressing the needs of communities across Mexico.
Key Leader Biosketch
Sergio Vargas, married for over 20 years and father of three, has committed his life to leadership development, church planting, and strategic project management in both the church and professional sectors. With strong expertise in negotiation and intangible asset management, Sergio has successfully built effective teams and forged solid professional relationships that have driven the success of various initiatives. He earned his theology degree from the Baptist Theological Seminary of Mexico (2001) and has complemented his education with certifications in life coaching from Corporate Coach U International (Dallas, Texas) and leadership training from the Haggai Institute (Maui, Hawaii). His leadership experience includes mentoring and training leaders in a variety of contexts, including the formation of small group ministries in Cuba (2012). Sergio’s skills in public relations and communication have been key in organizing major national and international events. Since 2019, Sergio has led MIMOMI (the Missionary Mobilization Ministry), an initiative dedicated to establishing new missional churches, training pastors and congregations, and inspiring people to answer the call to ministry. Previously, he spent 17 years founding and pastoring the Dunamis Church Network in Mexico City, focusing on church planting and spiritual growth of its members. In addition to his ministry work, Sergio has held leadership positions in the insurance industry, working as a sales manager and productivity trainer at Seguros Monterrey and Plan Seguro. He is also passionate about promoting cultural and artistic events, having coordinated media logistics for the Centennial Celebration of the National Baptist Convention of Mexico. Sergio’s vision is to continue empowering leaders and building communities grounded in Kingdom values, fostering both spiritual and social transformation in the communities he serves.

Funding History with Camino Alliance
Camino Alliance has not directly funded any MIMOMI projects so far, but we have built a long-standing relationship with the organization. Over the past two years, we have supported them in developing their 10-year strategic plan, helping to systematize their past learnings while guiding them in envisioning the future. This process included establishing a clear path forward with well-defined phases, objectives, and measurable benchmarks. Currently, we are providing ongoing coaching as MIMOMI begins to implement this plan, working closely with them throughout the journey. Additionally, MIMOMI has joined the Shalom Cities Initiative in Mexico City, becoming a key member of this growing coalition of organizations.