Florece Ecuador

Organizational Overview

Florece Ecuador was established in 2020 in the Pichincha province near Quito, by Pastors David Vega and Edison Pumisacho, alongside a handful of other leaders. It is a holistic ministry committed to spiritual, social, and economic development. Closely affiliated with Iglesia Nueva Jerusalem, a key aspect of the ministry is to help indigenous families cultivate organic gardens, improving food security and quality of life while also creating sustainable income opportunities. Through a collaborative approach, Florece Ecuador has facilitated the planting of vegetable gardens, installation of drip irrigation systems, and the construction of greenhouses, which enables the production of organic seedlings. These initiatives ensure year-round cultivation and protect crops from inclement weather. Families involved in the program also grow fruits for jam production, which further diversifies their income. The produce from the gardens supports the food needs of families while surplus crops are sold to reinvest in community projects, such as a Vacation Bible School for children and a leadership training program for church leaders. Additionally, the ministry provides free produce to elderly community members and families engaged in full-time ministry. Operating under the motto, “Florece en tu vida, Florece en tu familia, Florece en tu comunidad” (Flourish in your life, Flourish in your family, Flourish in your community), Florece Ecuador embodies a holistic approach promoting growth and well-being at the individual, family, and community levels. By partnering with local churches, the ministry continues to catalyze socio-economic transformation, offering training, resources, and opportunities that foster self-sufficiency and communal support.

Beneficiary Population

Florece Ecuador emerged during the uncertainty of the 2020 pandemic in response to the urgent needs of poor indigenous families in Quito, Ecuador. With the aid of a small seed grant of $1,000 USD and the leadership of Pastors David Vega and Edison Pumisacho, the initiative began by planting 4 family gardens to ensure food security for 7 families. These gardens not only provided supplemental income but also enabled the donation of food baskets to families in fulltime ministry and others in need. By the spring of 2021, the project expanded when a young agricultural engineer joined the team, bringing expertise in organic farming. Twenty participants received training in best practices and engaged in Bible study and discipleship classes, aligning spiritual growth with practical skills. That same year, drip irrigation was installed, and, with the help of a Camino Alliance grant, a first of four greenhouses was constructed on the property of the Asociación de Iglesias Indígenas Evangélicas de Pichincha, where Pastor Edison serves. The income generated from the sale of vegetables has been reinvested into remodeling this property, with the aim of creating a leadership and ministry training center. To date, 40 beds have been purchased, and restrooms and showers are 60% complete. In the summer of 2021, Florece Ecuador hosted its first Soccer Camp Vacation Bible School, an event that has now become an annual tradition. Over the past four years, it has reached more than 200 children and their families, with leaders, teachers, and organizers all hailing from Iglesia Nueva Jerusalem in Quito. Florece Ecuador's impact has expanded to include events such as a couples’ retreat with 50 couples from four churches, leadership training for over 200 individuals from 20 churches, and youth camps reaching 50 young people. As demand for these programs grows, Florece Ecuador plans to extend leadership seminars to other cities, including by providing guidance to churches left without pastors.

Pastor Edison Pumisacho is a dedicated leader and community builder from Zámbiza, Pichincha, Ecuador. He holds an engineering degree in Business Administration from the Central University of Ecuador, where he honed his leadership and management skills. With a passion for serving others, Pastor Edison has a long history of involvement in both church ministry and community outreach. From 2009 to 2020, he served as Camp Director for the Baptist Church, overseeing numerous programs and initiatives designed to promote spiritual growth and community engagement. His leadership extended beyond the church, as he actively contributed to various missions and charitable endeavors, including volunteering with Operation Christmas Child, a project that provides gifts and supplies to children in need around the world. In addition to his role as Camp Director, Pastor Edison is a graduate of the Indigenous Sector of Church Planters International, a program that equips indigenous leaders with the tools to plant and grow churches in their communities. His focus on church planting and holistic community development led to the founding of Florece Ecuador, a ministry of Iglesia Nueva Jerusalem in Quito, Ecuador. Through this initiative, Pastor Edison has equipped indigenous families by helping them establish organic gardens to improve food security, quality of life and generate income. Pastor Edison is married to Tatiana Paredes and has three children. His work reflects his deep commitment to uplifting marginalized communities and spreading the message of hope and resilience through faith.

Florece Ecuador has received crucial support from Camino Alliance, including leadership, theological, and small business training trough the help of volunteer leaders connected to Camino Alliance. Additionally, the ministry received a $17,500 grant in 2021 aimed at expanding its organic gardening initiative. This funding enabled the installation of drip irrigation systems across all gardens and the construction of four greenhouses, which have helped shield crops from adverse weather conditions and facilitated year-round cultivation. In addition, a solar dehydrator was built, allowing the production of fruit jams. A total of 25 low-income indigenous families have been impacted though greater food security and improved income opportunities. Additionally, each month, food baskets have been distributed to a total of 12 pastoral families and other community members in need. A portion of the proceeds from product sales was furthermore reinvested into ministry activities, providing training for 45 local leaders from 20 churches. In 2022, Florece Ecuador expanded its efforts to the city of Sua, Esmeraldas, where it initiated a seafood sales enterprise involving ten families. Unfortunately, this venture was cut short due to threats against the lead pastor’s life, forcing the pastor and his family to relocate to another city. Despite this setback, under the leadership of Pastor Edison Pumisacho, Florece Ecuador continues to equip local communities and mentor other church groups, helping to replicate its successful model of community development, which integrates spiritual growth with socio-economic transformation.

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