Mosaico Urbano MX

Mosaico Urbano Mexico, originally founded in 2006 under another name, operates on the eastern side of Mexico City, particularly in the Chimalhuacan and Los Reyes La Paz municipalities. The organization’s mission is to transform fragile urban areas into SHALOM cities by developing leaders and social structures that create lasting, multifaceted change.

Comunidad FAST

Comunidad FAST (Faith, Social Action, and Transformation) was established in 2016 in the Unidad Obrera neighborhood of León, Guanajuato, eventually gaining support from Serve Globally and Covenant World Relief & Development.

Camino News

CAMINO NEWS: REGULAR UPDATES FROM THE FIELD Camino News delivers in-depth stories, timely updates, and valuable insights directly from our diverse partner organizations across Latin America and within Latino immigrant communities. Stay informed about the significant strides and impactful work being carried out by Camino and our allies, as we collectively navigate and address key […]

Camino Briefings

THE CAMINO BRIEFINGS: Insights into urban poverty, migration, and latin american issues from a theological and missiological perspective. The Camino Briefings offer research on urban poverty and migration, detailed background intelligence reports on key issues and countries, and thought-provoking theological and missional reflections. They are crafted to provide donors, changemakers, and the general public with […]

Investment Philosophy

OUR INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY: INVESTING SO THAT HELPING DOESN’T HURT Camino Alliance is focused on a long-term strategy to turn fragile cities into SHALOM CITIES. The organizations we support are characterized by their calling, entrepreneurial spirit, and commitment to holistic change. We closely collaborate with these partners, helping them enhance their efforts and evolve from seed […]

Camino Azul

CAMINO AZUL: A PATHWAY TO FOSTER THRIVING SHALOM COMMUNITIES Camino Alliance has developed a strategic pathway—called the “Camino Azul”—to foster prosperous Shalom communities and cities, similar to the well-known “Blue Zones,” areas recognized for the well-being and longevity of their inhabitants. Inspired by the Blue Zones movement, this strategic approach aims to create healthier lives […]

Our Impact

CHANGE IS POSSIBLE: HOLISTIC TRANSFORMATION OF LOCAL REALITIES Together with our ministry partners, we have launched community-led holistic transformation initiatives that have touched thousands of lives. Discover more about the significant impact we have achieved. To date we have … 24 Grants Distributed $667,500 Invested 130,000 People Impacted 500 Leaders Equipped 40 Organizations Consulted & […]