September 2024

Note from Leadership Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras porta convallis scelerisque. Nam dignissim nunc in purus rhoncus mollis. Duis ultrices sollicitudin orci id luctus. Ut erat justo, auctor vitae diam ac, rutrum congue sapien. Phasellus eleifend molestie tellus sit amet elementum. Nunc quis augue urna. Quisque nec justo at sem ultricies […]

Why Faith Communities?

There are elements in every worldview or culture that are not life-affirming or beneficial for the poor. As a result, many migrants and urban poor live by cultural narratives that mar their identity and keep them from pursuing better lives. Overwhelmed and disempowered by the stresses of life in a fragile city environment, they are marked by despair, hopelessness, resignation, and fatalism. The identity and vocation of the poor become marred as they’re entangled in a web of lies, convincing themselves they can’t make a difference.